Monday, October 28, 2013

My Last Post

Well, this is my last post about my trip in Israel. It was loads of fun, but besides that, it was a great spiritual journey. It's really amazing to see the things you've been reading and hearing about your whole life right in front of you. It can like that for anyone who considers Israel as a Holy place, which is why I suggest that Israel is the place to go. It is also very gorgeous place with many wonderful sites, so if you just want somewhere beautiful to stay, stay in Israel. Here is a video that shows pictures of Israel and shows it's beauty wonderfully.
I could not for the LIFE of me get the video itself on this post(I spent over half an hour trying to get it work!) so I really apologize for that.
Here is the URL:
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that if you want a lightening, historical, and spiritual experience, go to Israel!
One of the many beautiful views in Israel!

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