Monday, October 28, 2013

Errr... a few warnings

Some things you might want to take into consideration...

As much as I love Israel, I'd be lying if I said there was no conflict or dangers with traveling here.
Terrorism is a daily risk in Israel, but most tourists never even encounter one. And isn't it just as risky in the countries surrounding Israel? Anyways, here are some tips that I strongly suggest following:
  • Outbreaks in Israel can occur anyplace, at anytime, but they mostly occur in areas with big crowds and during political protests, so stay out of crowds as much as possible.
  • Be especially careful when you the visit the Old City of Jerusalem. Clashes tend occur around religious sites.
  • Consider registering with the US Embassy in Tel Aviv when you arrive to Israel, and get the Embassy's contact number. They can help you if you are in a jam.
  • Regularly check the news and monitor the media for possible protests.
  • Watch for counterfeit goods, pickpocketing, and purse snatching. This happens in most countries, but because it's a foreign country, people will try to take advantage of you.
  • STAY AWAY FROM THE GAZA STRIP AND THE WEST BANK!! They are both extremely unsafe right now, and you would be risking your life to go to either place right now.

Here is some more information about the Gaza Strip. It's not as much about it's danger as it is about the Gaza Strip itself, but it's pretty interesting. Tunnels in the border of the Gaza Strip that could potentially help the Israeli's in different war causes.

Gaza Strip:

I know this has made Israel look really awful, but keep reading my posts to see the beauty of Israel!

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